6 posts tagged "OR"
view all tagsHighs and Lows
As 2022 unfolded, I held on to a new word for the year—stewardship. I hoped to steward the time, talent, treasure, and truth that God has entrusted in me—He extended my time on earth, allowed me to return to graduate school, placed wonderful people in my life, and strengthened my relationship with Jesus.
March 04, 20235 min readGod's But
I knew that life—more so, life with cancer—is a marathon, not a sprint. I knew that recovery is not linear. I knew that I have to keep pressing on. I knew that I have to be patient. I knew. But I still struggled.
October 11, 20212 min readI Shall Not Want
In the last 3 years, I was laser focused with cancer treatments. I only wanted to be cancer-free. And now that I am, I began noticing the milestones—education, career, and relationship milestones—of my peers. I began to envy. I began wanting for more.
May 21, 20213 min readAnchor for the Soul
Why is my healing taking so long? I didn’t understand. I was scared. I was in pain. All tumors from my chest down to my abdomen grew. The ones in my right kidney were so big; they were protruding on my right abdomen.
April 03, 20203 min readFire
I am still refractory, still resistant. But, I still have that quiet confidence in the deepest recesses of my heart that God will heal me. I may not fully understand God but I know He is with me in this fire and me in this fire will bring glory to Him as written in the verse above.
December 02, 20193 min readThe Beginning of a Crisis
I once read that God allows crisis in our lives to bring us into a deep, deep faith. My crisis began in grace—the detection of the tumor in my anterior mediastinum was incidental, but I saw it as the first miracle in this journey.
August 17, 20185 min read